Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Moment of Silence

Just when you think you are going to go crazy.... Grandma takes two kids swimming and the littlest kid falls into a deep, deep sleep. Ahhh... soaking up the peace and quiet.

I didn't write yesterday because anything I would have said would have seemed really negative, like I'm a bad parent or something. (Heaven forbid!) Kids are getting a little stir crazy being around each other all the time (I know the feeling). 3 weeks from today and they are back at school torturing their teachers while I get my whopping 3 hours home alone. Why, oh, why don't we have all day kindergarten?

So... playroom is coming along nicely. I put together our wonderful (and cheap) Ikea furniture. Big kudos to my husband for knowing what to do with his power tools. (Go ahead... make a crass comment.) Now, just have to put up the bulletin boards and the picture wire (will explain later) and we're done.

Two more days and we will be child-free. The kids are spending the weekend with their grandfather so that Mommy and Daddy can actually go out of town and have a mini grownup vacation. You know... swimming and eating and playing... gee, same things the kids do. But, it will be nice to be able to do it all without little people tugging on me all day. Problem is, we haven't decided where to go yet. This will most likely be decided by whichever hotel wants to give us a deal through Priceline.

By the way... I wrote another article for this one is about finding friends on Facebook. The more you read, the more money I make.

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