Monday, March 8, 2010

What a Waste!

So I go get the mail today and in the box I find a letter from the United States Census Bureau.  Well, with all the advertising they have been doing lately (and I mean a hell of a lot of advertising - expensive advertising) I assumed it was the Census form we need to fill out.  Wrong!

What I received in the mail was a letter informing me that I would be receiving a letter - next week - that I would need to fill out and return. 

So let's review... I got a letter telling me I'm getting a letter?  Yep, that's right!

Not just any letter... a first class ($) folded letter ($) stuck inside an envelope ($).  Hmmmm... can you add up the money for this one?  I can ($$$)!  And while we are at it, how many trees were destroyed just to send everyone a letter telling them they'll be getting a letter?  No, I'm no tree-hugger, but seriously?  Our country has no money and they are wasting what little we have on this crap? 

And yes... I will be sending a letter to my Congressman, Senator, the White House... and whoever else I can think of who won't care and doesn't give a damn.

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