Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School Tomorrow

It's been quite a couple of days trying to get ready for school tomorrow. The kids found out their teachers on Monday and it's been a roller coaster ride from disappointment to elation once they found out their friends were in the same class.

Amanda will be in a split class for 1st and 2nd grade. I think she knows more of the 1st graders who will be in her class than she does the 2nd graders. She also has the same teacher she had for kindergarten, which is kind of nice since we are all familiar with her teaching style... and as a parent, we got along great.

Temera is going into 4th grade and we really don't know anything about her teacher this year. She'll be with a bunch of kids she went to kindergarten and 1st grade with so that will be fun for her. She is also in the GATE program (Gifted and Talented Education) so we'll have to wait and see what exactly that will mean to her workload.

And Lauryn will be with most of her friends from her preschool for her kindergarten class. That's good because we don't have to start from scratch with meeting new kids.

All in all I think it will be a good day tomorrow. I know I'm sure excited. Imagine having a whole 3 hours to yourself every day. Ahhhh the joy!

So, the names have been permanently marked into the backpacks, the lunch boxes are filled with the non-perishable food (cold foods to be added in the morning) and clothes have been layed out for easy access in the morning.

Alarm is set... lights are out...


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