Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kids are Expensive

So we dodged a bullet today with our 9 year old daughter. She had an orthodontic consultation after her dentist recommended she see someone. Her teeth were a little crooked and we weren't sure what was going on with some permanent teeth that were very slowly growing in. But alas, there will be no braces... yet. Somewhere down the line she will most likely need to have some, but the jury is still out how severe the problem will be. According to the orthodontist, it shouldn't be too bad. Yes!

Amazing how much your kids cost you over the years. You think that once they are out of diapers and baby wipes and bottles and pacifiers, things will settle down. Wrong. Things just get more expensive. I wonder if it's the same for boys. Since we only have three girls, our budget has grown to include hair products, make-up, purses, jewelry, not to mention the usual clothes and shoes. We used to be able to do hand-me-downs. What the nine year old used to wear was passed down to the seven year old... and then the four year old. Not so much any more. All of a sudden, the girls don't want the old hand-me-downs. They each have their own style and taste and they want to shop for new clothes.

So add that all up with the doctor visits, dentist visits, orthodontist visits (which will be put off for a few more years), classes, lessons, haircuts, school supplies, books, toys, bedroom decor... whew... you've got a whole lot of money going out.

What do they say about daughters being the ones that take care of you when you're old? Since I have three, I expect to be taken care of very, very well.

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