Thursday, December 31, 2009


Another year has come to an end. I can't say I'm sorry to see it go. A new year always holds so many hopes and dreams. So much better to be looking forward than to look back. The things I'm most looking forward to in 2010...

Amanda finally getting her guitar lessons and really learning to play.

Temera hitting the big 1-0 (double digit birthdays from now on).

Lauryn learning to read (I can hope can't I?).

David and Marlon becoming successful podcasters.

Finally getting a bathroom makeover.

Losing 20 pounds (okay, how about 10?).

Seeing my girls continue to grow and blossom.

Happy New Year and I hope everyone has lots of health and wealth in 2010!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Vacation - Day 2

All in all it wasn't too bad a day. The two older kids were at a friend's house most of the afternoon so it was me and my baby home together.

Got a great birthday gift from my brother Nolan... Julia Child's "The French Chef" cookbook. It was something I've been wanting but haven't gotten around to purchasing. Only problem is that now that I have it, I'm gonna have to use it.

So, tomorrow is my birthday. Yes, I'll be turning 39.... again! My birthday has usually been spent much like my mother's day... with screaming kids and no peace and quiet for Mom. Please, please, please let me just have a quiet day with no fighting and complaining. Oh.... who am I kidding! If I sleep until 7am I'll be lucky.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Vacation - Day 1

So the kids are off of school for two whole weeks. Whatever shall I do with them? Seems they have determined that themselves.

Day 1 - Lauryn has already been sent to her room for the duration of the day. Offense? Talking back to Mom, not listening to Mom, yelling at sisters, hitting sisters, sticking tongue out at Mom and sisters, shall I go on? I didn't think so.

Not that the "sisters" have been doing much better. Temera has given me major attitude, although when you call her on it, it's all "my" fault. Amanda is oblivious to the world around her while she lays on the couch all day watching "iCarly" reruns. Oh yes, TV will be going underground for the next few days.

Me? I've been hooked on reading my new book, "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell. Awesome book. All about how successful people actually became successful (mostly through a series of upbringing, environment and pure luck... as in, being in the right place at the right time). I guess I missed that boat. Anyway... I highly recommend it. (As I already did to my book club as our selection this month.)

So... what will Day 2 bring? I shudder to think. No, I don't have a plan. The weather stinks or else we'd end up at the park. The kids actually did get some outdoors time in this morning when they played with neighbors Sophia and Isabella. (Mom had to go to the doc to check on baby #3). Oh... if she only knew what she was in for. So, I did my good deed for today (watching the neighbor's kids)... and I got some reading in... and I'm doing some writing... so besides the kids driving me crazy... I was at least a little bit productive.

I'm feeling lazy too... frozen lasagna for dinner. Yummmmmm!!!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Hanukkah!

This is our 2009 Annual Hanukkah Video. We (or should I say, my husband) has been doing these holiday videos for several years. Enjoy!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Leave Him Alone

I'm a little tired of hearing about how Tiger Woods HAS to talk to the media about his accident. No, as a matter of fact, he doesn't HAVE to talk to anyone... not even the police.

The man had a situation one night that he apparently doesn't want to discuss with the public. So what? Haven't we all had situations in our lives that we were glad weren't splashed across the TV and internet? Obviously, if Tiger Woods wanted everyone to know his business, he would let us all in on it. He doesn't. What he had was a minor traffic accident... he didn't hit another car, he didn't hit another person, he wasn't going fast and he wasn't drinking. End of story. Considering the minor issue, all the police are requiring is that he give them a copy of his driver's license. That's it! Although the police tried to question him, the law states that he doesn't need to answer their questions. It's a private matter. Get over it!

So what happens next? The media is all abuzz about how this is going to ruin his career. Really, people... do you have nothing better to do than to ruin a man's lifelong career and image? No, this isn't going to ruin his career... and no, he doesn't owe us any explanation. What happened in his own home that night (whether it be between him and his wife or not) is nobody's business.

I think everyone needs to mind their own business and leave the man alone.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Family Holidays

Just a few thoughts about our nation's upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. I think some people are forgetting the true meaning of the day. We get together to share a meal and be thankful for each other and the fact that our minds are free and our bodies are full. The Pilgrims came to this land in search of freedom and if it weren't for the Indians that already claimed this land, they would surely have all died off or ended up returning to England.

We all celebrate the holiday, but we all do so in different ways. This is precisely what makes it such a blessing. We CAN celebrate how we want. But, sometimes we don't always remember that we each have different ways of celebrating; different family traditions that we like to remember on Thanksgiving and other holidays as well. We come together as one family, but that family is also comprised of several smaller family units. One family might do mashed potatoes, another family might do sweet potatoes. One family might do stuffing inside the turkey, another family might do stuffing outside the turkey. I believe each person should bring their history and traditions to share with the rest. By dictating to others what they can or can't do, eat, share, think, feel, etc.... we are deflating the exact meaning of the first Thanksgiving when the Pilgrims AND the Indians brought their individual bounty to the table to share with each other. What a shame we can't do that today.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Boston Trip... Part II

Okay... so I haven't yet written about the wedding.

The wedding ceremony itself was at the Boston Public Library, which by the way was the first large public library in the country. I've never been to a wedding in a library... it was really lovely... not amidst the stacks of books, but in a wood paneled room. It was interesting, however, that up high on the wall overlooking the beautiful chuppah (Jewish wedding canopy) was a big, red cross. Hmmm... who would be more offended? Jesus or Moses?

Oh... let's get a plug in for the appetizers that were served (as well as the hot spiced cider) prior to the ceremony. The butternut squash soup served in tiny little demitasse cups... Delish!

On to the reception... just caddy corner from the library at the Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel. A lot of history in that elegant banquet room. Apparently Lena Horne sang there as well as many other well-known entertainers. It was quite the happening supper club in its heyday.

Once again, the appetizers were wonderful. Just not enough baked brie to serve the entire 100 guests. But the roasted peppers and peppered feta cheese was awesome. Yadda...yadda...yadda... typical wedding stuff. Toasts, dancing, wedding cake. I think this was the only wedding I've been to that was completely vegetarian. No meat... no fish... no protein! Yes, you do get hungry an hour after you eat. Unless of course you drink too much and don't feel anything at all.

And yes, what would a wedding be without the wedding crashers. I guess our party was just too much to resist. Suddenly, from behind our table, the door opened (the door that led to the lobby and Oak Room Bar across the hall) and who should glide in but two people who were clearly not dressed for a black tie wedding. Girl in mini skirt, tights and white winter parka... guy in jeans, blazer, button down shirt with no tie. They danced the night away while we watched with awe. Leave it to cousin Laura to make her way through the crowd and ask the uninvited guests if they had anything they would like to say to the happy couple? Hmmmm.... they didn't!

All in all it was a fun wedding considering we didn't even know the bride and groom. The bride's father was David's mother's first cousin.

Going to Boston was supposed to be a nice, autumn trip. Unfortunately it was freezing and while we did hold off on the rain for a few days, that nasty nor'easter came crashing through and we spent Sunday driving through the rain up to Portland, Maine. So why you ask did we drive through the rain to Maine? Ask Tracy, my sister-in-law. She just had to have a Maine lobster. And yes... it was a darn good lobster. Snow on the way back Sunday night... SNOW???? in October???? Crazy weather we're having ain't it?

And what is up with the Dunkin Donuts on every street corner throughout Massachusetts? There are more donut shops there than we have Starbucks here. I do have to say though that Dunkin Donuts makes the best hot chocolate I've had since I was a kid.

So... that's my Boston wedding tale. So happy I live in California. Cold and snow just ain't my thing.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Here in Boston

Well, the plane ride was uneventful (thank goodness) and we arrived in Boston on time... to extremely cold temperatures and a light rain. Got to the hotel (20 miles out of Boston... what the hell?) and found we were paying way too much for a crappy little room that was way too far away from where we needed to be. Ugh!

Anyway... we ended up at Panera for breakfast here in Waltham, MA. Wow... so different than our Panera. They actually have lobster ciabatta sandwiches. How yummy! Egg souffles and hot chocolate were on the menu for us. Really good.

Next, we drove into Boston... the long, backroads drive that took us an hour but did take us through a lot of little towns as well as Cambridge. We finally got to the middle of Boston and met up with Marlon & Tracy (BIL & SIL) to have lunch with Cousin Sorel at Durgin Park. Durgin Park was fun... I think it's one of the oldest restaurants in Boston. We had amazing clam chowder and David and I split a chicken pot pie. I'm not a big fan of chicken pot pie but this was to die for.

Then... we walked along the Freedom Trail, shopped at Faneuil Hall and wrapped it up with dinner at Quincy Hall. Got some Boston Cream Pie to go and drove back to the hotel (another $6 in tolls) to eat it and go to sleep.

And we're up again to sun and loving it, considering it was supposed to pour all weekend. Heading into town again for breakfast at Mike's City Diner and then going to visit the student store at Boston College. For those of you who don't know my dear husband David, he makes it a point to visit every college and get t-shirts from all of them.

Wedding tonight... should be a lot of fun.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Gimme a Break!

Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize? Has the world gone mad?

How can the committee who awards these prizes retain any respect after giving a $1.4 million prize to someone who has done absolutely nothing to deserve it? It was always my understanding that you receive honors and awards when you actually work hard to accomplish or achieve something special. Peace? Has Obama brought about peace? Sure, he's talked a lot about it, but haven't all of us talked about how great it would be to have a peaceful world? Were we all nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize? If so, I didn't get the memo.

Think what you want about our President, but honestly, can anyone say that he really deserved it? Even Obama doesn't think he deserved it. Which might be the one thing we can all agree on.

So now what? Now he has this Peace thing over his head for the rest of his presidency. What is he going to do to prove that he actually deserved this honor? He's got a lot of pressure now to produce something. It will be interesting to see how quickly this whole thing blows over. My guess is that by tomorrow, the media will have put it on the back burner. Wouldn't do anyone any good to keep talking about how wonderful our President is when he hasn't done a thing to bring about peace in the Senate and Congress much less peace in the world.

Friday, October 2, 2009

To Laugh or to Cry?

What possesses children to totally trash their own house? Seriously, I don't get it. Is there something innate in them that likes to live in their own mess? Clothes always end up on the floor when there is a hamper less than 6 inches away. Food wrappers and empty juice boxes end up under beds. There is ALWAYS gobs of toothpaste in the sink. They can trash a room in 4.3 seconds but it takes them a good 3 hours to clean it up (of course that's counting the 10 minutes actually spent cleaning and the other 2 hours and 50 minutes of complaining about it).

My wonderful, creative kids. They who take all their books off the shelf and build school desks for their American Girl Dolls. They who drape blankets and pillows and sheets to make intricate forts any architect would be proud of. They who can play dress up and manage to look like a movie star but then can't find a thing to wear on school mornings.

Where did my babies go? Tiny little angelic babies who didn't talk back, who didn't throw their belongings on the floor, who only wanted to be held and loved. Now I get called "bad Mom", "mean Mom", "unfair Mom", and my favorite, "the worst Mom in the world."

I look at them and I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I cry because I'm so tired all the time from punishing them, cleaning up after them, being emotionally abused by them. I laugh because I know that one day they'll have children of their own. Oh yes.... how I will laugh!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Just Another Posting

My husband has been bugging me to add another posting to my blog. I guess I just haven't thought there was much to write about lately.

We seem to be going through the typical "we've been in school a month and the novelty has worn off" mood. The kids don't want to do homework... it's either too easy or too hard. I have been working a lot in the kindergarten class (which wears me out and gives me a headache) and in the 1st/2nd grade split class (which is much more fun since the kids actually want to listen to you). It's time to start doing speeches (4th grade), book reports (2nd grade) and learning to read (K). I feel like I'm homeschooling despite the fact that I seem to recall driving my kids to a large building that says "Highlands Elementary School" every morning.

Oh yes, and Temera has decided to run for polical office. Okay, maybe it's not that political, but in the scheme of elementary school it's a big deal. Preliminary elections are being held today for the Student Council, of which she has thrown her hat in the race for "Activities Director". Hmmm... not sure what someone of that caliber actually does at school, but regardless, that is what she wants to be. Go Temy!

Amanda has managed to move on up to age "7". Friends from school helped her celebrate with a Spa Girlz party (yes, I'm aware of the misspelling). It was a lot of fun and I couldn't have done it without my SIL's help and my mother's help. So... she is now a year older... but sadly, not much wiser.

And me? I have become addicted to watching the news. Every day I am appalled at what is going on in this world. President Obama has said he wants change... boy, are we getting change. Unfortunately, it's not good change. Healthcare... ACORN... Missle Defence... seriously? Change is great... but only if your going forward, not back. I think healthcare insurance companies should all be non-profits. I think ACORN should be dropped like a hot potato. I think Israel needs to just go into Iran and bomb the hell out of them!

Sorry... am I sounding too militant?

Gotta run... have to prepare for my jewelry party tonight. Ah yes... I do have priorities!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

President Obama's Speech

Like every parent, I'm concerned that my children get the best education possible. I know their teachers, I help out in their classrooms, I sign off on every piece of homework they get. I'm grateful there are people out there who have chosen to teach, considering I have no interest, skill or patience to do so myself. This past week a lot of schools and teachers (and parents) have been faced with a difficult decision: Should we let our children watch the President's speech on Tuesday? I have mixed feelings.

President Obama is really the only president my children have known. He is talked about nearly every time we turn the television on. They don't know what his political views are, they don't know who his cabinet is, and they have no idea why the country is so divided when it comes to this one particular man. All they see is the President of the United States... as it should be at their young ages.

I certainly don't want to impart our views on the kids, but suddenly, what should be a simple speech about staying in school and the importance of education has turned into a battle between Democrat and Republican. It is pitting friend against friend and family against family. I find that I'm starting to feel more negative about certain people just because of how they are responding to this "speech".

Knowing full well that there is controversy surrounding what the President is going to say, I can't understand why a few alterations can't be made. For instance, is it necessary for him to speak during school hours? Besides the air time being less expensive, why not speak in the evening when parents can sit with their kids and listen if they so choose. Why are we leaving it up to our educators to answer questions and give their opinions? Why can't the speech be uploaded to the web several days in advance rather than one day in advance so we can have time to think it over? Why is the principal of my school leaving it up to the teachers to decide if they want to view this with their students? And what if my child doesn't view it? Will she be teased by her friends?

I'm grateful that the Education Department has withdrawn their "educational materials" for this speech. Why were they ever put in place to begin with?

I can understand the feeling of some that they don't want the President to impart his political views on the kids... but with the whole world watching, it is hard to believe this speech will be about anything other than education and it's importance.

Despite how I feel about the man himself and the direction he's leading our country into, I am planning on reading the speech before I make any decisions. I, for one, want to be informed before I jump the gun. We owe that to our kids.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hooray for Teachers!

I am truly in awe of teachers, primarily kindergarten teachers. To supervise 20+ kids at one time and actually have to "teach" them how to read and write is such a monumental task that it really is a travesty that they aren't paid more. Not only are they not paid enough, but where is even the respect they surely deserve? I wouldn't even attempt to teach my kids so I am grateful there are people out there who do so because they love the job.

I worked in Lauryn's kindergarten class today. She only has 3 hours a day of class, not nearly enough time to cram everything in that is required of the day's lesson plan. Someone mentioned today that the kids don't get any "play" time anymore. Of course they don't. From the moment they walk into the class the day is full of tasks.

The kids start off with the good morning song, followed by the pledge of allegiance and another song about our country. Then there is calendar time where the kids count the days of the month, fill in the day of the week and the month. There is circle time where they go over a poem they need to memorize. Then it's right to stations where they have about 10 minutes at a table to do a worksheet, learn a color or read a story... before they switch and go to yet another station. Hmmm... then comes the King or Queen for the day. One child is picked each day and the other kids have to draw a picture of that person. Then they learn about vertical and horizontal. (Hard to say much less learn about.) Snack and outdoors time (about 15 minutes). Back inside to do more circle time tasks, read a story, practice writing and prepare to go home. It's a lot to do in one day.

And try teaching all this when half the 4 year olds don't listen, when there is always one kid who disrupts the class, hands going up every few minutes to use the bathroom, people coming in and out of the classroom, and having to stop and explain to us parent volunteers what they need help with.

I know I could never be a teacher. And yes, I am truly grateful to those that choose to do so.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1st Day of School

Somehow we all managed to get through the first day of school. Spent the morning in Lauryn's kindergarten class, a way too long meeting with the PFO, drove back to school 2 more times to pick up the other kids, filled out about 100 forms (okay, maybe 12 but it felt like 100), assembled emergency kits for all three, took Lauryn to lunch, then took all three to frozen yogurt. Do I get Mom of the Year?

Lauryn has 23 kids in her kindergarten class... Temera has 34 in her 4th grade class? 34? What teacher can possibly teach 34 kids at one time? Amanda only has 20 and half of those are 1st graders.

I feel like I've been hit by a truck. I'm not used to getting up at 6 in the morning. It's 5:45 and I am exhausted. Still need to make dinner, get kids clothes ready for tomorrow, help Lauryn read her books to put on her reading log, prepare lunches for tomorrow, and do yet another load of laundry.

When is Fall Vacation?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School Tomorrow

It's been quite a couple of days trying to get ready for school tomorrow. The kids found out their teachers on Monday and it's been a roller coaster ride from disappointment to elation once they found out their friends were in the same class.

Amanda will be in a split class for 1st and 2nd grade. I think she knows more of the 1st graders who will be in her class than she does the 2nd graders. She also has the same teacher she had for kindergarten, which is kind of nice since we are all familiar with her teaching style... and as a parent, we got along great.

Temera is going into 4th grade and we really don't know anything about her teacher this year. She'll be with a bunch of kids she went to kindergarten and 1st grade with so that will be fun for her. She is also in the GATE program (Gifted and Talented Education) so we'll have to wait and see what exactly that will mean to her workload.

And Lauryn will be with most of her friends from her preschool for her kindergarten class. That's good because we don't have to start from scratch with meeting new kids.

All in all I think it will be a good day tomorrow. I know I'm sure excited. Imagine having a whole 3 hours to yourself every day. Ahhhh the joy!

So, the names have been permanently marked into the backpacks, the lunch boxes are filled with the non-perishable food (cold foods to be added in the morning) and clothes have been layed out for easy access in the morning.

Alarm is set... lights are out...


Saturday, August 15, 2009

For the Kids

We put it off all summer, but we finally acquiesced and took the kids to Magic Mountain. Now I have to say Magic Mountain would not have been our first choice for a family outing. If it wouldn't have cost $450 just to walk through the gate, we definitely would have chosen Disneyland. But... $150 as opposed to $450 was kind of a no-brainer.

For those of you who haven't been to Magic Mountain... it's basically the same as New Jersey's Great Adventure. So, on top of the $150 for tickets (and these were discounted on-line tickets), we also had to pay $15 for parking, $11 for a tiny locker just to put our jackets in, $12 for cotton candy (you know the kids have to have their cotton candy), and $3.75 just for a bottle of water. I'd say we were pretty lucky getting out of there without actually purchasing food and sodas. Lunch and Dinner outside of the park was the key... much, much cheaper.

Here's a tip... if you are planning on going on the water rides, do not wear blue jeans. I found out the hard way that even in 100 degree weather... blue jeans take at least 8 hours to dry! Does not make for a comfortable day.

So, I went on the water rides (and the kiddie rides with Lauryn) while David took the older girls on some of the roller coasters. Amanda barely reached the 48" line but we took her on anyway (Shhhhh.... don't tell the Magic Mountain people).

We didn't get home until 9:30 pm so you can imagine how incredibly tired we were. The kids are still sleeping. I think they had fun. They better have had fun.

On tap for today... looking for new carpet and going to Concerts in the Park tonight at Central Park. Journey Tribute Band is playing... Woo..hoo... brings me back to my childhood!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Not Enough Time

There are just never enough hours in the day. You wake up thinking you will get everything done you need to and somehow it ends up being night and you barely made it through your list. Wouldn't it be great if you could just tack on a few extra hours?

So much to do, so little time. I'm so looking forward to the kids going back to school next week. Woo hoo... I get a whole 3 hours to myself. So, what can I really accomplish in 3 hours? Not a whole heck of a lot. By the time I get home from getting the kids to school (assuming we walk down the hill to school... and I alone walk all the way back up the hill) it's already 8:00 am. Of course, that is also assuming I don't stop to chat with the other parents.

So, 8:00 am and I still need to walk the dog. I know, I know, I haven't done that all summer, but now that the kids are in school, I will have so much more time to focus on the dog. We go for a long, leisurely walk (okay, so it's a 10 minute walk around the block) and then we get home and I can actually sit down and have some breakfast. Yes, I could have eaten with the kids, but I was too busy running around trying to find shoes and backpacks and hairbands. Shower? Sometimes I manage to actually get clean before showing my face at the elementary school. Sometimes I don't. So, if I need to take a shower, that will bring me to almost 9:00 am.

Wow... only 2 hours to go. Hmmm... let's just say for the heck of it that I need to go food shopping. Or the bank. Or the library. Or anywhere....

.... there goes my next 2 hours.

Let's review shall we? I had an entire 3 hours to myself and what have I done for myself? NOTHING!!!!!

I didn't get that blog written, I didn't get the book read, I didn't get a manicure, I didn't get to shop for a new pair of shoes, I didn't get to make any phone calls or meet the girls for breakfast or organize my desk or order new merchandise or update my website. Wow... I'm exhausted and I didn't even do anything.

I wholeheartedly believe in all day kindergarten. I just wish Santa Clarita did as well.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kid's Room Done!

I finally did it... I finished something I started. The kid's playroom has been totally transformed into a craft room/homework room/office and it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. The kids love it and can't wait to do their homework in it. Amanda has already turned it into a fashion design studio where she makes clothes for her Barbie dolls. Hopefully it will make homework time a little less stressful for all of us.

Next... we're moving on to Temera and Amanda's room. New paint color... more grown up decor. After all, they are in 4th and 2nd grade already.

Now, if we can only figure out how to get the rest done: new carpet, new master bath, new kitchen... clean out office, clean out garage, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kids are Expensive

So we dodged a bullet today with our 9 year old daughter. She had an orthodontic consultation after her dentist recommended she see someone. Her teeth were a little crooked and we weren't sure what was going on with some permanent teeth that were very slowly growing in. But alas, there will be no braces... yet. Somewhere down the line she will most likely need to have some, but the jury is still out how severe the problem will be. According to the orthodontist, it shouldn't be too bad. Yes!

Amazing how much your kids cost you over the years. You think that once they are out of diapers and baby wipes and bottles and pacifiers, things will settle down. Wrong. Things just get more expensive. I wonder if it's the same for boys. Since we only have three girls, our budget has grown to include hair products, make-up, purses, jewelry, not to mention the usual clothes and shoes. We used to be able to do hand-me-downs. What the nine year old used to wear was passed down to the seven year old... and then the four year old. Not so much any more. All of a sudden, the girls don't want the old hand-me-downs. They each have their own style and taste and they want to shop for new clothes.

So add that all up with the doctor visits, dentist visits, orthodontist visits (which will be put off for a few more years), classes, lessons, haircuts, school supplies, books, toys, bedroom decor... whew... you've got a whole lot of money going out.

What do they say about daughters being the ones that take care of you when you're old? Since I have three, I expect to be taken care of very, very well.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Not What We Had Planned

It was going to be a great weekend... just me and David in Las Vegas. Staying in a nice hotel, enjoying great restaurants, spending time lazing around the pool. It all came to a halting end. Child sick! Parents come home!

Amanda had a fever... a really high fever, so we packed up our stuff just 8 hours after we arrived and drove 4 hours back home in the middle of the night. Amanda is fine now, but she did spend the day yesterday with her fever rising and falling and it was a good thing we came home. Grandma may be the second best person to have around when you are sick, but nobody beats Mommy (and Daddy). So, much Gatorade, chicken soup and jello later, she is resting comfortably and will make a complete recovery.

My favorite saying is, "Life is what happens when you're making other plans." How true. Things usually turn out for the best somehow. We got to spend an entire day with Amanda alone (her sisters were with their grandfather). And... we were able to get a refund for the night we didn't stay at the hotel, not to mention all the money we saved not gambling and eating our way through Vegas.

So... no adult-only trip for us this summer. We still got Boston in October (if the grandparents will ever agree to watch our kids again).

Friday, July 31, 2009


It's truly amazing how you can be so jazzed up about spending a weekend without your kids, and 5 minutes after they leave you miss them like crazy. Go figure.

My kids are gone. They are visiting their grandfather for the weekend while Mom and Dad have a relaxing weekend in Las Vegas. I know, I know, Las Vegas is not exactly the most relaxing place, but that's what you get when you leave reservations to the last minute and all the hotels in Coronado (San Diego) are booked. So, we decided to leave our fate in the hands of Priceline (a website we've never tried before). I figured if we chose a 5 star hotel and put in a ridiculously low dollar amount, we'd either get an amazing deal or be turned down. Well, we did get a good deal but the jury is still out on the hotel. We ended up getting the Trump Hotel, one of only four 5-star hotels on the strip. I say the jury is still out because while the hotel seems very nice, it has no casino, no fancy pool, no buffet, and no Starbucks (oh say it isn't so). Oh dear!

But... it is quiet and elegant and close to all the other hotels with action and things to do. We'll be off in the morning (after stopping for my Starbucks Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte, of course). Just me and the hubby. Now if we could figure out something to talk about besides the "kids".

The house is so quiet without those three little (big) voices. I miss them.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Moment of Silence

Just when you think you are going to go crazy.... Grandma takes two kids swimming and the littlest kid falls into a deep, deep sleep. Ahhh... soaking up the peace and quiet.

I didn't write yesterday because anything I would have said would have seemed really negative, like I'm a bad parent or something. (Heaven forbid!) Kids are getting a little stir crazy being around each other all the time (I know the feeling). 3 weeks from today and they are back at school torturing their teachers while I get my whopping 3 hours home alone. Why, oh, why don't we have all day kindergarten?

So... playroom is coming along nicely. I put together our wonderful (and cheap) Ikea furniture. Big kudos to my husband for knowing what to do with his power tools. (Go ahead... make a crass comment.) Now, just have to put up the bulletin boards and the picture wire (will explain later) and we're done.

Two more days and we will be child-free. The kids are spending the weekend with their grandfather so that Mommy and Daddy can actually go out of town and have a mini grownup vacation. You know... swimming and eating and playing... gee, same things the kids do. But, it will be nice to be able to do it all without little people tugging on me all day. Problem is, we haven't decided where to go yet. This will most likely be decided by whichever hotel wants to give us a deal through Priceline.

By the way... I wrote another article for this one is about finding friends on Facebook. The more you read, the more money I make.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Getting There...

Got up this morning and decided today was the day to start the transformation from playroom to kids' office/homework/craft room. I've been procrastinating long enough, probably because I absolutely hate painting. The only thing worse is having to actually pay someone else to do it for me. Turned out it was a great color, if I do say so myself.

Tomorrow... put Ikea furniture together. Another think I just love doing (NOT).

The girls got their orange stripe belts at Tae Kwon Do class today. It's been a long road, but I think they are starting to enjoy raising themselves up from belt to belt. They did great during their test last Friday and even earned another star to put on their uniform collar. Good going Temy and Mandy.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Finding My Nitch

I've definitely been feeling a little on the "low" side lately. Maybe it's just the summer blues (although I don't think there really is such a thing). I think it has something to do with the fact that my kids (all three) will be going back to school in 3 weeks and I am feeling the need to do something with my life. Not just to help contribute to the family budget (although that would be a huge plus in my husband's eyes), but something just for ME... to keep me busy with things that I enjoy doing.

So... I love blogging. I've gotten a lot of good feedback from this tiny little blog I started with absolutely no blogging (or writing) experience whatsoever. But really... what can I do with a blog unless someone sees it, calls me and offers me a million dollar book deal? Yes, I know... not likely.

Then, David and I were watching TV the other night (yes, no big surprise there) and we came across a website where people (even people like me) could write articles and actually make money doing it. The site is called and it's really easy. You write an article that you hope someone else might find useful and if people view it... bang, you earn money. I gotta admit, I've already written three articles and I had 4 people view just my first one alone. Pretty cool considering I hadn't told anybody about it.

If interested, you can go to and do a search for "temysmom" which is my screen name. If you like what you see... let me know. If you don't... please definitely don't tell me. I can't take the criticism.

And yes... I have revamped my Cozy Chic Designs business a little. New website coming soon ( and I'll be back on the boutique circuit by October. Fun stuff!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mom Needs A Break

Today is one of those days where you wake up in the morning and think, "I really don't want to be a Mom today." My throat hurts, my nose is stuffy, I'm tired from being up the past two nights with a sick child, and the thought of little people running through the house screaming, "Mommeeeeeee" is just a little too much to bear.

I need a break.

I need peace and quiet. I need a pedicure and massage. I'd like to make myself something to eat without having to make three other meals along with it. It would be nice to watch what I want on our big screen TV for a change (I usually get the little one in the bedroom). iCarly and Hannah Montana just don't do it for me. It would be nice to take a shower without a 4 year old climbing in with me and using up all my shampoo.

When you hear something crash from upstairs and you yell out, "What was that?" and the response is, "Nothing," you know you are in big trouble!

When you ask your child to clean their room and you get the rolled eyes and the response, "Your the worst mother in the world", you know it's going to be one of those days.

I was in Trader Joe's yesterday and the kids were fighting and getting in the way of everybody and I kept telling them to "Move it", "Watch out", "Leave it alone".... when the Manager looks me in the eye and says, "Funny to think that a few years ago you thought it was a good idea to have children." Oh yes... one day long ago we thought it would be fun to have kids. No one ever said the fun would only come in spurts. Mostly it's just a lot of work.

So, my two oldest thankfully got out of the house this afternoon and went to my mother's to go swimming and have dinner. And although they drive me crazy and I know for a fact that when they get home there will be more fighting and yelling... I still miss them and want them home. I guess when you boil it all down, a good mother will always want the kids to come home at the end of the day. I guess I'm not so bad after all.

Friday, July 17, 2009

What's a Typewriter?

So I'm driving in the car today with my 9 year old and she brings up the subject (again!) of her getting a cell phone. I explain to her (again!) that a 9 year old doesn't need a cell phone and even if she had one who would she call anyway because all her other 9 year old friends don't have cell phones either. Then she explained to me (again!) that she needed it for emergencies like when we had an accident and I forgot my phone then she would have hers as a backup. And I explained to her (again!) what a ridiculous excuse that was and she still was no closer to getting that cell phone. (Sigh!)

And then I did what I really hate doing... I actually went there... I told my child that when I was growing up...

... there were no such things as cell phones, in fact, we didn't even have cordless phones when I was her age.

... there were no computers. We had to had write out all our school reports or if we were really lucky we got to use a typewriter. "What's a typewriter?", she asks. Am I crazy? My kid doesn't know what a typewriter is?

... no CD's, DVD's, iPods, iPhones, iTouch, i-nothing!

... cars didn't have electric windows and electric door locks. We had to hand roll down those windows and actually needed a "key" to open the door.

... yes, we did have calculators, but we'd be expelled from school if we were caught with one.

... no satellite dishes, no plasma, no flat screen, no remote controls. Oh dear... am I really old enough to remember having to get up from the couch and actually turn a TV dial to change stations?

So when my child acts like not having a cell phone is the worst thing in the world... I don't have any sympathy.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Being Thankful

I just finished reading the book "Against Medical Advice", by Hal Friedman and James Patterson (yes, that James Patterson). The book is a true account of what happened to Hal's son, Cory, between the ages of 5 and 18. At 5 years old he suddenly had Tourette's Syndrome as well as OCD. The struggle he and his parents went through for 13 years to seek treatment is chronicled and is heartbreaking. Sadly, doctor after doctor could not find a way to help him, despite dozens of different medications.

I certainly do my share of complaining about my kids. I know we all do. They fight too much, they don't clean up their room, brush their teeth, do their homework. But really, are any of these life threatening? My kids are healthy... really healthy... and I know that we don't take enough time to be thankful for that. So they have a cavity... or need braces... or eye glasses. That should be the most we have to worry about.

We know kids who aren't so lucky. Who knows why some kids get sick and some don't. Maybe it's genetics, maybe environment, but mostly it's just the luck of the draw. I, for one, am damn lucky that not only are my kids healthy... they are incredibly smart, talented, funny, and lovable. I think that sometimes we need to get a dose of what other people go through with their medical problems to truly appreciate what we have.

If you haven't read the book... I'd recommend it. It will make you truly be thankful for what you have.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Say NO to Clutter!

If it's summer, can I still call it spring cleaning?

I am on a cleaning and de-cluttering kick. Not sure why... spring is behind us and school doesn't start until the middle of August, but I suddenly feel the need to get rid of all the junk in my house. Oh yes, my friends, there is waaaaayyyyyy too much junk.

So, today I spent all my time cleaning up the "upstairs" of the house. For those of you who don't know my strange house... the upstairs consists of the kitchen/dining room/living room (also known as the "Great Room") and the master bedroom and bath. So... the laundry is done, the kitchen is clean and the living room is free from tiny shoes and polly pockets and empty candy wrappers.

I thought I'd start with the "top" of the house since the "bottom" of the house is something that I am trying to put off tackling until I absolutely have to. The lower level of our house could be an episode of "Clean Sweep". If you haven't seen this show, they take the messiest, most unorganized home and sweep it clean of every stitch of furniture, knick-knack and just plain trash... then they make it look really, really pretty. My problem is... I actually have a degree in interior design... so I have no darn excuse for my house looking like this!

So, the bottom of the house has the girls' bedrooms and the playroom, as well as the office that David and I share. So my idea... change the "playroom" into more of a "craftroom" for the kids. Some place where they can do their homework and work on their projects. Since toys are finally going the way of the dinosaur (I never thought I would actually say this), I want my girls to be able to show more of their creative side. Temera can write... Mandy can paint... and Lauryn...???... well, I'm sure Lauryn has some type of creativity in her.

Okay, get rid of the tiny, rickety desks that they have been using and get some heavy, duty, sturdy ones for them to really work on. Then I need to buy a sturdy shelving unit that they can store all their supplies on (crayons, markers, scissors, glue, tape, paper, etc., etc.). Oh... and get some inexpensive but funky colored boxes that they can keep their schoolwork in (you know the kind... you know you are going to toss it, but you can't really do it until the end of the school year). Shouldn't be too hard, right?

Of course, I am dreading our office space. Two people (with a lot of stuff) sharing one office. The only good part is that I use it during the day and HE uses it at night. And how exactly did I manage to accumulate these hundreds of books? I know I can do it... I think I can do it. No, I KNOW I can do it.

I'll post pictures.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

How Time Flies

Saturday nights during the summer in Santa Clarita we have "Concerts in the Park". Bands from all over play on stage at Central Park and the place is packed with local residents out for a good time. We've gone in previous years to hear various bands... and mostly we spent our time telling the kids, "It's almost over", "We'll leave soon"... you get the drift.

So tonight I thought I might get the same response. We met a bunch of friends there at the park and when it was time to go (lights came on, cars headed for the exit), all I heard from my kids was, "Is it over?", "Why do we have to go?", "Can't we stay?" Well, how do you like that? My kids didn't want to leave. Never mind the fact that I barely saw them all night. My nine year old went off to play with her nine year old friends. My six year old went off to play with her six year old friends. My four year old decided to hang out with her teenage cousins and talk them into taking her to the playground. When did my kids become so independent? They didn't need me... they needed friends!

Oh friends... one minute they love them, the next minute they hate them. So hard to be a kid these days. But gosh darn it... you need friends. I can't say that I love all my kids' friends, but it is a joy to see them interact... to keep secrets... to share stories. This is where they learn about relationships... how to deal with pain and loss... mean kids... popular kids... bad kids (and good kids). Seeing my kids pick and choose who they want to be friends with is really something to see. The thought process that goes into it is truly amazing.

When my nine year old daughter tells me that she doesn't want to be friends with another little girl because she is mean to other girls, well, my heart soars. Yes, despite all my mothering doubts, I did something right... my daughter has empathy. She cares for people. And, she knows wrong from right. Raising kind, caring kids... isn't that what we all strive for?

It's hard work, but at the end of the day when you realize your kids have grown another day older (and a whole lot wiser), you know it's been a good day and you've done your job.

Time flies so fast.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Little Things

Sometimes it's the little things that make your day.

I got "the" letter in the mail today from Highlands Elementary School (my kids' school) letting us know that Lauryn got morning kindergarten with Mrs. Dominguez. Exactly what I wanted. I know, I know... not that big a deal in the scheme of things, but when something works out just like you wanted it to... well, that's kind of a nice thing.

Yes, my last baby will be starting kindergarten in one month. Hard to believe that all my kids will be in elementary school (although all three get out at different times). Whatever will I do with my three hours a day?

I don't get why Santa Clarita is the only school system in Los Angeles that doesn't do full-day kindergarten. Honestly, my daughter has been going to preschool for 2 1/2 years already... I think she can handle a full day of class. I've worked in the kindergarten classes... they barely have time to zip through the material they have. It's rush, rush, rush from one project to another. And how are kids supposed to learn at this pace? I seem to remember when I was a kid, we spent weeks on end just learning how to write an "a". (Funny how the "a" we learned in no way reflects the typewritten "a".)

Oh well... I will not be the mother who stands outside the door with a tear down my eye wondering if my baby is missing me. Oh please... life moves on... kids get older... heck, I'm getting older. Lauryn will handle it just fine... just like Temera and Amanda did. I won't be sad... I'll be at Starbucks enjoying my peace and quiet. Even if it's just for three hours a day.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What a Day...

Amanda lost one of her top front teeth last night after agonizing over it for weeks. At least it came out at home, not while we were on our trip. Amanda was very concerned that the tooth fairy wouldn't know where to find us if we were in a hotel. Alls well that ends well... the tooth fairy made her usual visit and Amanda found a crisp, clean $1.00 bill under her pillow. Yeah tooth fairy!

We decided since Daddy was working in Century City today that we'd take a little trip and visit him for lunch. Now it has to have been at least 10 years since I was at the Century City mall. My how things change. I barely recognized it. They moved the movie theatres to the opposite side of the mall... and the food court is upstairs and totally different than it used to be. This was "my" mall... where I used to shop and see movies and go to dinner. Today, with three kids in tow, I felt like a total suburban mom who wouldn't (or shouldn't) be caught dead in a place like that. Bloomingdales? Who are they kidding... my kids get the finest clothes Target has to offer.

And, we wrapped up our day in the pool. Century City was 80 degrees at 2:30 pm. We got to Santa Clarita at 3:30 pm and it was 105 degrees. Crazy! It might be just a small, community pool... but we're thankful we've got it!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Fun!

For those of you around my part of the world... the movie theatre in Canyon Country has free kids movies every Tuesday and Wednesday. The movie changes each week and starts at 10:00 am. If you want a decent seat, get in line by 9:00. This morning we saw "Inkheart". What a great movie. All about the power of books and reading. Since I'm such an avid reader (most of the time), I really enjoyed it. The kids loved it too. Next week they are showing Everyone's Hero and Madagascar 2.

Hot, hot, hot here! I'm sure it's near 100 degrees. After Tae Kwon Do I think we'll head to the pool for a little while. You know it's hot when even I am anxious to go in the water.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Kids at the Canyon

Cute, aren't they? From left to right: Amanda, Rebecca, Lauryn, Spencer, Temera. Rebecca and Spencer are my niece and nephew. They joined us for train ride and Grand Canyon experience.

Where Have We Been?

So, it's been a while since I posted. Why, you might ask? Thursday night we got home too late from the Grand Canyon... Friday night we got home too late from the D-Backs v. Angels game... Saturday night I was way too tired AND I didn't want to pay for internet service just for a few minutes of uploading.

And we're back....

Thursday: We got up early and took the Grand Canyon Railway to the Grand Canyon. It is a 2 hour and 15 minute ride through Arizona to the Canyon. I've been before, but it still is amazing no matter how many times you see it. Of course, the girls just wanted to know where the "big hole" was. I'm not sure they really got the splendor of it all... they did think it was cool and really, really big. I think they were more enamored with the dogs that were around the park. That's okay... I'm sure they will be back. We had lunch, saw some amazing Navajo dancers and then headed back on the train. Surprisingly, the kids were pretty good on the long train ride. We didn't see any wildlife (we never do), but between the portable DVD player, Nintendo DS, and ipods, they were kept busy. When we got back to the depot, we headed back to the hotel for a little while and then out to dinner. Yep, we got home late and were way too tired to do much else.

Friday: Headed to Phoenix by way of Sedona. If you have never been to Sedona, you are missing something truly amazing. This place is definitely a wonder. The scenery is so breathtaking you can barely look away. Yes, it's hot... but ice cream solves that problem! I think I want to retire to Sedona. We shopped, ate lunch and then it was back in the car heading to Phoenix. By the time we got to the hotel (Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs) we only had about 1/2 hour to change and then head over to Chase Field where we were seeing the Diamondbacks play the Angels. Really beautiful stadium and the Angels slammed the D-Backs. The kids didn't have such a wonderful time. All they wanted was their cotton candy and when they were bored with that it was time to leave. Hey, at least we made it to the 7th inning stretch.

Saturday: Woke up really late... planned on going to Glendale, AZ to do some cool shopping and have lunch at a really great BBQ place. Ended up going to Glendale (not so easy to find without street map of Phoenix) but most of the stores were empty (damn this recession) and it was getting too late in the day and the kids really wanted to go to the pool at the hotel. So, we headed back to the hotel and went straight to the water. Tapatio Cliffs is a very unique hotel. There are tons of different buildings housing the rooms that are stacked up the hillside. The room was beautiful - a suite actually, which was great for us since the kids could be in one room and we were in the other. The pool was very cool... a water slide for the kids and waterfalls all over the place. A lot of people but it was fun. Amanda was on the water slide for 2 hours. Then, dinner that night at Rustler's Rooste. Fun, good food, beautiful sunset. Ahhh.... I think we were ready to go home.

Sunday: Breakfast and then home. Actually, the drive to Santa Clarita from Phoenix is only 6 hours. Much closer than I thought. It took us 7 hours because we stopped for lunch and then stopped for Lauryn to go the bathroom. We got home about 7:00 last night. Soooo very tired!

Monday: It's Monday. Glad to be home. We picked up Jazz this morning and everything is just like it was before we left. Seems like we never went on vacation. Kids are bored (OMG) and it's back to the same old routine.

Hmmm... I need a vacation!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 3 - Route 66 to Flagstaff

The best part about today... Hackberry, Arizona. This can't even be called a town... it's a general store in the middle of nowhere right along Route 66 between Kingman and Seligman. We had been deciding if we wanted to continue on Route 66 or just take the 40 to Flagstaff. We ended up doing the rest of Route 66 and boy, are we glad we did.

So we are driving along enjoying the nothingness of Arizona when we flew by this tiny little general store that we barely noticed. I said to David, "Hey did you see that? What a cute little store", and we turned around and drove back.

Hackberry looks exactly like an old general store and gas station that was around back in the 40's and 50's. Nothing has changed... the pumps don't work anymore and the old cars are all rusty, but this little place has more charm and character than anything I've seen so far on this trip. The kids got cokes (the real thing in a bottle that needs a bottle opener) and I got a Route 66 T-shirt that says Hackberry, Arizona.

On to Flagstaff. The rest of the way was uneventful except we did see a coyote cross the street... that and some other strange little animal. Might have been a praire dog or something. I'll have to research that.

So, now we are in Flagstaff. Had to stop at the bookstore of Northern Arizona University (NAU) so David could get his obligatory college t-shirt. Planning on going to Salsa Brava for dinner. Salsa Brava was featured on the show Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives on the Food Network as one of the best homemade restaurants. Mmmmmm.... can't wait to try their fresh, made at the table guacamole.

Kids are behaving for the most part (getting a little crazy when we are in the hotel room too long) but that's to be expected. They are having fun stopping at all these strange little places. Tomorrow will be great... taking the Grand Canyon Railway to the Rim.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 2 - Route 66

So we did the buffet thing this morning for breakfast. Can't stay in Vegas without doing the buffet thing. I had oatmeal, David had eggs benedict... the kids... well, the kids had dessert!

Now, we thought it would be fun to drive down old Route 66 in Arizona. Neither David or I had ever been in this part of Arizona before. We drove from the California border along the old road to Kingman, AZ where we are staying for the night. The drive is definitely interesting... the scenery is beautiful and the road really does take you back in time. Other than a few cars here and there, we were pretty much out there alone. Very curvy and very isolated. The highlight was the little almost-ghost town of Oatman. The town was once thriving but it's pretty much a tourist attraction now. It still looks like it did years ago but the stores all have tacky souvenier stuff. The best part was the donkeys (burrows?) that roam wild in the town. They are all over the place and the stores sell bags of carrots that you can feed them with. The first donkey we saw was only a week old and was nursing from his mother. Awwwww.... can you say the cutest thing I've ever seen?
So by now it was around 2:00 and we were all starving. Just our luck... none of the restaurants were open in Oatman (hub of civilization that it is). Well, we just got ourselves back on the road and headed to Kingman.

A few words on Kingman (a few words because that's really all it warrants). There ain't hardly anything in Kingman... although we did get to see the Kingman High School cheerleaders (the Bulldogs) who were getting photographed at Mr. D'z Diner for a spread in Arizona Highways magazine. Great 50's Diner... I do recommend it if you are ever in these parts. I got the cheeseburger, Mandy and Lauryn had grilled cheese and Temera and David got the Day Old Spaghetti. Don't ask... I'm hoping it was just the name, not the real thing. Oh... the desserts.... heavenly. Chocolate cake with hot fudge and brownie sundae.

Bedtime... the sun and heat really wear you out. Tomorrow, off to Flagstaff.

Day 1 - Las Vegas

Surprise, surprise! Today was actually a pretty good day. We left the house this morning at 9:15 am - only 15 minutes behind schedule. Had to drop off Jazz at the Kennel... pretty sad... we will all miss him so much! Then we were on the road to Vegas. Amazingly, the kids only asked, "Are we there yet?" a handful of times. They were too busy drawing with their pads of paper and magic markers that Grandma bought for them. We didn't even put on one DVD the entire trip.

So, lunch at Mad Greek in Baker. Gyro's... so yummy! Of course, the kids got hamburgers. I guess I can't expect gourmets from everyone. We'll have to work a little harder on their ethnic taste buds.

We got to Vegas about 3:00 and were at the pool by 3:30. Hot, but not too hot. The kids had a blast swimming. A quick bite to eat at the hotel and then we were off to the Strip to party! Okay, so party means dessert at Serendipity 3 at Caesar's Palace... but what can you expect with three kids under 10? If you are ever in Vegas, I highly recommend the Frozen Hot Chocolate at Serendipity 3. Amazingly refreshing.

We topped off the evening watching the water fountain show at the Bellagio. The kids were awed by it.

Couldn't publish today because the hotel (South Point) charges $12.99 for internet access. Highway robbery! Will wait until Kingman.

So tomorrow... off to Arizona. Hotter...and hotter... and hotter!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Getting out of Dodge

Vacation Day! I'm up and dressed while the rest of my family is still sleeping. Typical! I still have a few things to do before we go and I like getting it done before "they" get up.

So today we'll be heading to Las Vegas. Since it's a Monday the roads shouldn't be too crowded. Of course, we'll stop for lunch at the Mad Greek in Baker, CA. Yummy! If you haven't been there, I highly recommend it. Unless you really have an aversion to Greek food and then don't bother. Then on to Sin City. Hey, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. (But I'm sure I'll be writing about it so it won't stay secret for very long.)

Oh good... I hear children stirring... time to go do the mommy chores and get this show on the road.

Bon Voyage!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Leaving Tomorrow....

It's Sunday... Happy Father's Day! We are about 90% packed and I am dead tired. I am so ready for a vacation... I think we all are. Still need to run the dishwasher, do the last load of laundry, and take out the trash. I'm hoping to leave by 9:00 am, but those of you who know David... 9:00 just ain't gonna happen.

I just had a thought... this will be our first vacation where I didn't pack not even one pull-up! A very scary thought! And believe it or not, I don't think we'll even be using the floaties I bought for Lauryn... SHE CAN SWIM!!!! She taught herself. Just jumped in the pool and there she went.

So, I will try to blog every day, but not knowing the wi-fi situation where we will be, I can't promise I'll be able to publish every day. Keep checking back. Oh yea... there will most likely be photos and videos as well.

Off to dinner... you know, Father's Day and all.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

2 More Days

Ahhhhh, Saturday! Woke up late today, took the kids to Tae Kwon Do class and now we are going to run some errands and pick up those last minute items we need for the trip. Then, this afternoon we will finally take the suitcases out and begin the arduous task of packing. Let’s see… there are 5 of us and we will be gone for 7 days. That’s 35 outfits, at least 15 pairs of shoes, 5 pairs of sunglasses, assorted hats, purses, stuffed animals, and a cooler full of water and snacks. Oh, and several bathing suits each, cover-ups, flip flops and floaties.

Then there are the “others”… portable DVD player, 4 ipods, 2 nintendo DS, one leapster, one laptop, assorted earphones, travel games, books, notepads with magic markers (no crayons since it will be over 100 degrees and who wants THAT mess in a car), GPS, maps, triptik, AAA Guide, tickets for the Diamondbacks game, hotel confirmations… Jazz (we’ll be dropping him off on the way) and his paperwork (proof of vaccines).

What am I forgetting? There must be something.

Friday, June 19, 2009

3 Days and Counting

We made it to Friday… only a weekend to go before our trip. Despite the fact that we’ve known we were leaving for months now, for some reason we have left everything to do until the last minute. Hmmm… what a surprise.

So what have we left to do? Charge up cell phones, ipods, DVD players, laptops, nintendos… put new batteries in Leapfrogs and car earphones, wash the car, wash the clothes, get the suitcases down from the top shelf of the closet where I can’t possibly reach (even with a chair). Oh… and I need to get Temera a new bathsuit and cover-up and a new pair of shorts for me.

I don’t know… staying home seems so much easier.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

4 Days and Counting

Lauryn keeps asking me, “Are we at the sticker yet?”.

I have a wall calendar hanging in the kitchen and I put a yellow “Vacation” sticker on June 22. Every day, Lauryn asks me if we are at the sticker. She is excited to go on vacation, but she is a little unsure of what that means. She’s a little afraid that we are leaving and aren’t coming back home. This, of course, has caused her to want to pack up her entire room to take with her. She has stuffed everything she owns into suitcases and paper bags… anything she can find. So now I have to “unpack” before I can actually “pack”. Oh dear!

We are all a little concerned about Jazz, our beloved Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix. Jazz will be spending his vacation in a kennel, hopefully making friends with the other puppies around. We bought a special new “toy” for him… a stuffed animal for him to chew on… that we are taking turns sleeping with ourselves so our scents will be all over it. Hopefully he won’t miss us too much. We will sure miss him.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

5 Days and Counting

My house is being cleaned today… why? Because I’m one of those people who can’t possibly pack for a trip and leave my house for a week unless everything is spotless. Since after a week on the road, I will be feeling dirty, grubby, bloated and tired beyond belief, coming home to a “clean” house will be heaven.

And while my house was being scrubbed, vacuumed and dusted, I took Amanda and Lauryn to the library to pick out a book to take with them on the trip. Never mind that we’ve spent the last two weeks actually “buying” books to take… no, my little angels want to go and “rent” books to take. Go figure!

Also stopped at the AAA to get a triptik to take with us. I’ve been hearing stories of Route 66 and how parts of the old road aren’t on current maps anymore. I wanted to be sure we didn’t get lost and wind up in Denver or something. Not that I wouldn’t love to go to Denver, been there before and it’s a lovely town. Just not what we planned on this particular trip. So, the AAA travel agent puts together the triptik for me after I specifically told her I need the Route 66 part from California to Flagstaff. I get in the car and open the triptik to find… she highlighted the FREEWAY part of the drive… NOT the ROUTE 66 part of the drive. Lovely!

Oh yes, and we are putting together all our DVD’s for the trip. Thankfully we have a DVD player in the car. The kids are already deciding what they want to watch first, second, etc. Come on kids… I thought the point of this trip was to be enjoying each other and the scenery! Come to find out… my kids just want to watch movies!

The fun is just beginning…

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

6 Days and Counting

What were we thinking? Taking our 3 girls on a week-long car trip through Arizona? My girls... the ones that fight over everything from what movie to watch to whose shirt that was before it became Lauryn's. (Because, eventually, everything becomes Lauryn's.) Last summer we cruised to Alaska. One place, one room, and we could dump (I mean, lovingly place) them in the Kids Camp when they got to be too much!

No, this time we'll be one big happy (?) family in our Honda Pilot cruising down Route 66 trying to find the Grand Canyon. Please spare me the references to the movie "Vacation"... we've heard it all. If we can come home in one piece, I'll consider it a successful trip. Vacation? Maybe not so much. I know I'll need that spa day when I come home.

So, we'll be blogging our way through because we wanted to share our journey with all our friends and family. Not sure of the internet situation. Hopefully we'll be in some places that have actually heard of the internet.

Our itinerary is: Leaving Monday for one night in Las Vegas. We figured driving straight through to Arizona our first day might not be such a good idea. Tuesday it's off to the old Route 66 - stopping for the night in Kingman, AZ. Next two nights we'll be in Flagstaff, with a train ride to the Grand Canyon in between. Then on to Phoenix where we'll actually be at a "resort" for the remainder of the trip. Come on people... there are only so many Best Westerns I can stand.

Should be fun, right?