Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Not Enough Time

There are just never enough hours in the day. You wake up thinking you will get everything done you need to and somehow it ends up being night and you barely made it through your list. Wouldn't it be great if you could just tack on a few extra hours?

So much to do, so little time. I'm so looking forward to the kids going back to school next week. Woo hoo... I get a whole 3 hours to myself. So, what can I really accomplish in 3 hours? Not a whole heck of a lot. By the time I get home from getting the kids to school (assuming we walk down the hill to school... and I alone walk all the way back up the hill) it's already 8:00 am. Of course, that is also assuming I don't stop to chat with the other parents.

So, 8:00 am and I still need to walk the dog. I know, I know, I haven't done that all summer, but now that the kids are in school, I will have so much more time to focus on the dog. We go for a long, leisurely walk (okay, so it's a 10 minute walk around the block) and then we get home and I can actually sit down and have some breakfast. Yes, I could have eaten with the kids, but I was too busy running around trying to find shoes and backpacks and hairbands. Shower? Sometimes I manage to actually get clean before showing my face at the elementary school. Sometimes I don't. So, if I need to take a shower, that will bring me to almost 9:00 am.

Wow... only 2 hours to go. Hmmm... let's just say for the heck of it that I need to go food shopping. Or the bank. Or the library. Or anywhere....

.... there goes my next 2 hours.

Let's review shall we? I had an entire 3 hours to myself and what have I done for myself? NOTHING!!!!!

I didn't get that blog written, I didn't get the book read, I didn't get a manicure, I didn't get to shop for a new pair of shoes, I didn't get to make any phone calls or meet the girls for breakfast or organize my desk or order new merchandise or update my website. Wow... I'm exhausted and I didn't even do anything.

I wholeheartedly believe in all day kindergarten. I just wish Santa Clarita did as well.

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