My house is being cleaned today… why? Because I’m one of those people who can’t possibly pack for a trip and leave my house for a week unless everything is spotless. Since after a week on the road, I will be feeling dirty, grubby, bloated and tired beyond belief, coming home to a “clean” house will be heaven.
And while my house was being scrubbed, vacuumed and dusted, I took Amanda and Lauryn to the library to pick out a book to take with them on the trip. Never mind that we’ve spent the last two weeks actually “buying” books to take… no, my little angels want to go and “rent” books to take. Go figure!
Also stopped at the AAA to get a triptik to take with us. I’ve been hearing stories of Route 66 and how parts of the old road aren’t on current maps anymore. I wanted to be sure we didn’t get lost and wind up in Denver or something. Not that I wouldn’t love to go to Denver, been there before and it’s a lovely town. Just not what we planned on this particular trip. So, the AAA travel agent puts together the triptik for me after I specifically told her I need the Route 66 part from California to Flagstaff. I get in the car and open the triptik to find… she highlighted the FREEWAY part of the drive… NOT the ROUTE 66 part of the drive. Lovely!
Oh yes, and we are putting together all our DVD’s for the trip. Thankfully we have a DVD player in the car. The kids are already deciding what they want to watch first, second, etc. Come on kids… I thought the point of this trip was to be enjoying each other and the scenery! Come to find out… my kids just want to watch movies!
The fun is just beginning…
Lost?? PUUUHHHLEEESSS!!! We've got the "Holy Grail of the Road" (aka. Garmin!!)