Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bullying: Why is nothing being done?

Let's face it:  bullying is a huge problem.  It's not a new problem, but it is definitely one that is gaining in momentum.  With the invention of email, facebook, myspace and twitter, bullying has taken on a life of it's own and something really needs to be done to stop it.  Nearly every day you can find another story about violence caused by bullying, whether it be an attack or a suicide.  How incredibly sad when you hear of school officials and/or parents who KNOW about the bullying and do nothing to stop it!  The laws regulating bullying (or should I say, lack of laws) is outrageous.

In our school, for instance, there are daily occurances of kids taunting other kids, making threats, pushing, teasing, etc.  And no, there is generally nothing done about it.  There seems to be a set of school rules that only exist for protect the bully.  What ever happened to kids being expelled at school for causing harm?  When a child threatens to harm another student, why isn't that kid able to be seen by a professional?  Apparently the "rules" are that seeking help is only an option AFTER a physical attack occurs.  Hmmm.  So my child can only be protected AFTER she gets physically hit?  Wow... what a screwed up society we have.  Interesting how an adult can get a restraining order on another adult who threatens them, but a child can't go to school officials and request such an order for another child.  As parents, what are we supposed to do?  Many end up pulling good kids out of school.  How insanely ridiculous that the good kids are suffering and the bad kids go about their business as if nothing has happened.  Come on school board... and PTA... and local police departments.  DO SOMETHING!!!!  It's the kid who bullies at 10 who will become the same kid who pulls a gun in high school.

Disclaimer:  No, my own kids have not been personally bullied at school.  They do, however, know other kids who have.  Yes, I personally know some of the bullies and know for a fact that nothing is being done.  Scary!

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