I'm starting to hate going to the mail every day. I thought junk mail was bad enough... but junk mail is on someone else's dime, not mine. (I won't start on the trees being cut down, etc., etc.) But junk mail ain't got nuthin' on our wonderful spend-like-there's-no-tomorrow government!
First, we all get letters (at the cost of $83 million) informing us that we will be receiving the 2010 Census Form in the mail. I don't know about most people but I don't usually need to be told that I'm going to get something in the mail. It's okay... just send me what you're going to send me.
Then we get the actual Census in the mail. Okay... kind of a waste of paper (couldn't this be something we can fill out online and save us all the trouble?). I filled it out and sent it in - better than having some stranger come knocking on my door and asking me all kinds of questions.
But seriously... did we all really need ANOTHER piece of mail (at what cost?) telling us that we should have received the Census in the mail.
So let's recap... letter saying we will be receiving the Census... actual Census... postcard saying we should have received the Census.
And our country is in debt? No Kidding!
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