Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hooray for Teachers!

I am truly in awe of teachers, primarily kindergarten teachers. To supervise 20+ kids at one time and actually have to "teach" them how to read and write is such a monumental task that it really is a travesty that they aren't paid more. Not only are they not paid enough, but where is even the respect they surely deserve? I wouldn't even attempt to teach my kids so I am grateful there are people out there who do so because they love the job.

I worked in Lauryn's kindergarten class today. She only has 3 hours a day of class, not nearly enough time to cram everything in that is required of the day's lesson plan. Someone mentioned today that the kids don't get any "play" time anymore. Of course they don't. From the moment they walk into the class the day is full of tasks.

The kids start off with the good morning song, followed by the pledge of allegiance and another song about our country. Then there is calendar time where the kids count the days of the month, fill in the day of the week and the month. There is circle time where they go over a poem they need to memorize. Then it's right to stations where they have about 10 minutes at a table to do a worksheet, learn a color or read a story... before they switch and go to yet another station. Hmmm... then comes the King or Queen for the day. One child is picked each day and the other kids have to draw a picture of that person. Then they learn about vertical and horizontal. (Hard to say much less learn about.) Snack and outdoors time (about 15 minutes). Back inside to do more circle time tasks, read a story, practice writing and prepare to go home. It's a lot to do in one day.

And try teaching all this when half the 4 year olds don't listen, when there is always one kid who disrupts the class, hands going up every few minutes to use the bathroom, people coming in and out of the classroom, and having to stop and explain to us parent volunteers what they need help with.

I know I could never be a teacher. And yes, I am truly grateful to those that choose to do so.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1st Day of School

Somehow we all managed to get through the first day of school. Spent the morning in Lauryn's kindergarten class, a way too long meeting with the PFO, drove back to school 2 more times to pick up the other kids, filled out about 100 forms (okay, maybe 12 but it felt like 100), assembled emergency kits for all three, took Lauryn to lunch, then took all three to frozen yogurt. Do I get Mom of the Year?

Lauryn has 23 kids in her kindergarten class... Temera has 34 in her 4th grade class? 34? What teacher can possibly teach 34 kids at one time? Amanda only has 20 and half of those are 1st graders.

I feel like I've been hit by a truck. I'm not used to getting up at 6 in the morning. It's 5:45 and I am exhausted. Still need to make dinner, get kids clothes ready for tomorrow, help Lauryn read her books to put on her reading log, prepare lunches for tomorrow, and do yet another load of laundry.

When is Fall Vacation?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School Tomorrow

It's been quite a couple of days trying to get ready for school tomorrow. The kids found out their teachers on Monday and it's been a roller coaster ride from disappointment to elation once they found out their friends were in the same class.

Amanda will be in a split class for 1st and 2nd grade. I think she knows more of the 1st graders who will be in her class than she does the 2nd graders. She also has the same teacher she had for kindergarten, which is kind of nice since we are all familiar with her teaching style... and as a parent, we got along great.

Temera is going into 4th grade and we really don't know anything about her teacher this year. She'll be with a bunch of kids she went to kindergarten and 1st grade with so that will be fun for her. She is also in the GATE program (Gifted and Talented Education) so we'll have to wait and see what exactly that will mean to her workload.

And Lauryn will be with most of her friends from her preschool for her kindergarten class. That's good because we don't have to start from scratch with meeting new kids.

All in all I think it will be a good day tomorrow. I know I'm sure excited. Imagine having a whole 3 hours to yourself every day. Ahhhh the joy!

So, the names have been permanently marked into the backpacks, the lunch boxes are filled with the non-perishable food (cold foods to be added in the morning) and clothes have been layed out for easy access in the morning.

Alarm is set... lights are out...


Saturday, August 15, 2009

For the Kids

We put it off all summer, but we finally acquiesced and took the kids to Magic Mountain. Now I have to say Magic Mountain would not have been our first choice for a family outing. If it wouldn't have cost $450 just to walk through the gate, we definitely would have chosen Disneyland. But... $150 as opposed to $450 was kind of a no-brainer.

For those of you who haven't been to Magic Mountain... it's basically the same as New Jersey's Great Adventure. So, on top of the $150 for tickets (and these were discounted on-line tickets), we also had to pay $15 for parking, $11 for a tiny locker just to put our jackets in, $12 for cotton candy (you know the kids have to have their cotton candy), and $3.75 just for a bottle of water. I'd say we were pretty lucky getting out of there without actually purchasing food and sodas. Lunch and Dinner outside of the park was the key... much, much cheaper.

Here's a tip... if you are planning on going on the water rides, do not wear blue jeans. I found out the hard way that even in 100 degree weather... blue jeans take at least 8 hours to dry! Does not make for a comfortable day.

So, I went on the water rides (and the kiddie rides with Lauryn) while David took the older girls on some of the roller coasters. Amanda barely reached the 48" line but we took her on anyway (Shhhhh.... don't tell the Magic Mountain people).

We didn't get home until 9:30 pm so you can imagine how incredibly tired we were. The kids are still sleeping. I think they had fun. They better have had fun.

On tap for today... looking for new carpet and going to Concerts in the Park tonight at Central Park. Journey Tribute Band is playing... Woo..hoo... brings me back to my childhood!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Not Enough Time

There are just never enough hours in the day. You wake up thinking you will get everything done you need to and somehow it ends up being night and you barely made it through your list. Wouldn't it be great if you could just tack on a few extra hours?

So much to do, so little time. I'm so looking forward to the kids going back to school next week. Woo hoo... I get a whole 3 hours to myself. So, what can I really accomplish in 3 hours? Not a whole heck of a lot. By the time I get home from getting the kids to school (assuming we walk down the hill to school... and I alone walk all the way back up the hill) it's already 8:00 am. Of course, that is also assuming I don't stop to chat with the other parents.

So, 8:00 am and I still need to walk the dog. I know, I know, I haven't done that all summer, but now that the kids are in school, I will have so much more time to focus on the dog. We go for a long, leisurely walk (okay, so it's a 10 minute walk around the block) and then we get home and I can actually sit down and have some breakfast. Yes, I could have eaten with the kids, but I was too busy running around trying to find shoes and backpacks and hairbands. Shower? Sometimes I manage to actually get clean before showing my face at the elementary school. Sometimes I don't. So, if I need to take a shower, that will bring me to almost 9:00 am.

Wow... only 2 hours to go. Hmmm... let's just say for the heck of it that I need to go food shopping. Or the bank. Or the library. Or anywhere....

.... there goes my next 2 hours.

Let's review shall we? I had an entire 3 hours to myself and what have I done for myself? NOTHING!!!!!

I didn't get that blog written, I didn't get the book read, I didn't get a manicure, I didn't get to shop for a new pair of shoes, I didn't get to make any phone calls or meet the girls for breakfast or organize my desk or order new merchandise or update my website. Wow... I'm exhausted and I didn't even do anything.

I wholeheartedly believe in all day kindergarten. I just wish Santa Clarita did as well.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kid's Room Done!

I finally did it... I finished something I started. The kid's playroom has been totally transformed into a craft room/homework room/office and it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. The kids love it and can't wait to do their homework in it. Amanda has already turned it into a fashion design studio where she makes clothes for her Barbie dolls. Hopefully it will make homework time a little less stressful for all of us.

Next... we're moving on to Temera and Amanda's room. New paint color... more grown up decor. After all, they are in 4th and 2nd grade already.

Now, if we can only figure out how to get the rest done: new carpet, new master bath, new kitchen... clean out office, clean out garage, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kids are Expensive

So we dodged a bullet today with our 9 year old daughter. She had an orthodontic consultation after her dentist recommended she see someone. Her teeth were a little crooked and we weren't sure what was going on with some permanent teeth that were very slowly growing in. But alas, there will be no braces... yet. Somewhere down the line she will most likely need to have some, but the jury is still out how severe the problem will be. According to the orthodontist, it shouldn't be too bad. Yes!

Amazing how much your kids cost you over the years. You think that once they are out of diapers and baby wipes and bottles and pacifiers, things will settle down. Wrong. Things just get more expensive. I wonder if it's the same for boys. Since we only have three girls, our budget has grown to include hair products, make-up, purses, jewelry, not to mention the usual clothes and shoes. We used to be able to do hand-me-downs. What the nine year old used to wear was passed down to the seven year old... and then the four year old. Not so much any more. All of a sudden, the girls don't want the old hand-me-downs. They each have their own style and taste and they want to shop for new clothes.

So add that all up with the doctor visits, dentist visits, orthodontist visits (which will be put off for a few more years), classes, lessons, haircuts, school supplies, books, toys, bedroom decor... whew... you've got a whole lot of money going out.

What do they say about daughters being the ones that take care of you when you're old? Since I have three, I expect to be taken care of very, very well.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Not What We Had Planned

It was going to be a great weekend... just me and David in Las Vegas. Staying in a nice hotel, enjoying great restaurants, spending time lazing around the pool. It all came to a halting end. Child sick! Parents come home!

Amanda had a fever... a really high fever, so we packed up our stuff just 8 hours after we arrived and drove 4 hours back home in the middle of the night. Amanda is fine now, but she did spend the day yesterday with her fever rising and falling and it was a good thing we came home. Grandma may be the second best person to have around when you are sick, but nobody beats Mommy (and Daddy). So, much Gatorade, chicken soup and jello later, she is resting comfortably and will make a complete recovery.

My favorite saying is, "Life is what happens when you're making other plans." How true. Things usually turn out for the best somehow. We got to spend an entire day with Amanda alone (her sisters were with their grandfather). And... we were able to get a refund for the night we didn't stay at the hotel, not to mention all the money we saved not gambling and eating our way through Vegas.

So... no adult-only trip for us this summer. We still got Boston in October (if the grandparents will ever agree to watch our kids again).